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Sep 042014

Hopper Interactive Disassembly
Want to get started with reverse engineering on i386, x86-64 or ARM systems? The Hopper disassembler makes it easy! Or at least easier to understand what is going on in binaries, firmware dumps and other random executables that you might encounter.

This four hour class is taught by Trammell Hudson, the original author of the Magic Lantern firmware for Canon DSLR cameras, and will cover initial exploration of files, annotating functions, discovering common patterns and using the control-flow graph / pseudo-code generator to understand what the assembly is doing.

Experience with programming, but not necessarily assembly language, is necessary, as is a Mac or Linux laptop. Buy your tickets here!

Jun 042014

On ~*June 28th*~ we’ll be hostingĀ a new class on hacking NES cartridges for art and various related shenanigans. Cory Arcangel’s Super Mario Clouds is a well known work of digital art where a Nintendo game cartridge was modified to just show the clouds in the game. He also happened to release some instructions on how to reproduce his leet hax! In this workshop, we’ll be creating Super Mario Clouds from old NES cartridges, bringing modern art to your living room without having to splurge at Art Basel. Some basic soldering, desoldering, and programming will also be covered as a bonus since that’s how old NES cartridges are hacked.

Limited to 12 spots and includes your very own old Super Mario cartridge.

This class will be taught by NYC Resistor member David Huerta and Jon Dahan, who crafted this workshop after his experience re-creating it at the Metropolitan Art Museum’s Media Lab. Sign up on Eventbrite.