Our friends with Make:NYC are having their next open meeting on Thursday, February 4th. It looks quite awesome — you get together and build something in a couple of hours to compete for fame and glory! Here’s the details:
Make:NYC Meeting 17 – Thursday February 4th, 6:30PM
I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m sick of this cold weather hampering my structure-building! Support us and give us your truss! Show up for Meeting 17!
Challenge: Balsa Bridge Construction
It’s the classic physics-challenge you all know and love. Teams will construct balsa spans built to support the greatest possible weight. Teams will be supplied with balsa, glue and cutting utensils. We recommend everyone do their homework for this meeting. Spend some time researching good design techniques.
Show and Tell
Meet your fellow NYC Makers and show off your creations! Bring your gadgets, gizmos, sketches, ideas, anything you’d like to put in the spotlight. We encourage NYC Makers to collaborate on and discuss DIY projects. If you’re planning to bring a project, drop us a note at [email protected].
If you’d like to attend we have plenty of space for everyone. It’s not required, but if you plan to attend please RSVP:
RSVP Here: http://www.makenyc.org/wp-rsvp.php?eventid=63
Make:NYC runs the majority of our events on the goodwill and generosity of people with an interest in the DIY community. In this spirit, we graciously accept donations from participants with some cash to spend on a night of fun and challenges in NYC. The donation tube will be set out at each meeting for any cash you’d care to spare.
Bug Labs
598 Broadway at Houston
4th floor
New York, NY 10012
6/B/D/F/V to Bleeker-Lafayette
R/W to Prince
Meeting time is 6:30PM.
See you there!