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May 032012

We got a great little email on Sunday asking if our Vendy was available for public dispensing. There happened to be a pile of us here hacking on Sunday afternoon, so Nicole dropped by, fed $15 into Machine Uno and get herself a teensy board. On Thursday, Shanshan came round to Craft Night and we got to see what they made:

They didn’t get any action shots of the teensy 🙁 . Nice Arduino though.

  6 Responses to “From Vendy to Pig Button”

Comments (6)
  1. This video is amazing!!! 😀

  2. Our final prototype is using Teensy, I swear, we just have no time to put a shot of teensy in that video that time : )

  3. haha Sorry your Teensy didn’t get a hero shot. Teensy was our life savior. Happened approximately 24hours before our project was due.

  4. One, that’s got to be one of the most infectious – in a good way- background tunes around. And the Twitter/mail/ online bank launcher is a great idea. Most keyboards with internet buttons only include one for mail. Now maybe I could substitute Facebook for Twitter, or add it…

  5. Really nice!!  I see how the figures send a signal to the microcontroler, but can’t imagine how it tells the computer what to do. I guess wireless commands to simulate keyboard strokes?  And of course the code is way beyond me right now.  I’m just learning about all this, must get down to craft night some time.  Great work! (and nice tune!) 

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