Hey Kids, It’s Hexascroller!
A common complaint around NYC Resistor nowadays is that we never blog anything anymore. And it’s true! We’re so busy hacking on stuff that we hardly ever get the chance to document it. Bad hackers!
Anyway, here’s a project from May of this year. It’s Hexascroller, your friendly neighborhood integrated clock/wireless notification system/annoying beep generation solution! Hexascroller was hacked together from donated LED panels for this past spring’s Interactive Party. It’s got six 30×7 LED displays, an Arduino Mega, a charmingly obnoxious loudspeaker, a DS1307+ RTC, and an XBee all hanging precariously from a wooden frame assembled with sturdy hot glue construction techniques. It’s hanging from a ceiling beam in our front room like some demented Flying Saucer of Damocles.
At the Interactive Party we had Hexascroller displaying tweets, but nowadays it primarily functions as a clock. You can use an XBee to connect to it if you need to scroll a message or make a horrible noise to draw attention to the message you’ve just scrolled. You can see it in action below:
As always, the source is up on GitHub. Enjoy!
[…] NYC Resistor, grab the code from […]
[…] and I upgraded Hexascroller to control 5 m of Adafruit RGB LED strip through a spare serial port connected to a Teensy 2.0 that […]
[…] controlled by their hexascroller display via a Teensy. Trammell writes: Adam and I upgraded Hexascroller to control 5 m of Adafruit RGB LED strip through a spare serial port connected to a Teensy 2.0 that […]
[…] NYC Resistor, grab the code from […]
[…] Hexascroller has been a central fixture at NYCR for the past few years, with a few ups and downs. It’s replacement, Octoscroller, improves on our classic message alert polygon by having two more sides and two more colors of LEDs. […]
[…] Hexascroller has been a central fixture at NYCR for the past few years, with a few ups and downs. It’s replacement, Octoscroller, improves on our classic message alert polygon by having two more sides and two more colors of LEDs. […]
[…] upgrade to Octoscroller, which was the eight sided RGB update to the venerable six-sided red LED Hexascroller. Megascroller is featured as one of the art pieces at the upcoming Interactive Show — on the […]