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NYCResistor 1.0

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Aug 202008


A year ago, NYCResistor was conceived by a few folks around a table in the C4 hacker space in Cologne Germany. We needed a hacker space in NYC and we started building the infrastructure for our space by getting the website started, getting a jabber server up, and putting together email lists. A few months later we had 9 people committed to the idea and we incorporated so we could have a collective checking account for paying bills. A few months after that, we moved into our space in Brooklyn.

This hacker space thing is growing. It seems like every day new hacker spaces are popping up on the site.

This group is a really special blend of smarts, respect, consideration, and genuine friendship. It feels really special that exactly one year later from conception, we’ve collectively invested in a laser cutter. We still have to pay it off, but we’re doing it together. We also like cake.

  5 Responses to “NYCResistor 1.0”

Comments (5)
  1. Yeah, way to go! Congratulations: building up a hacker space and maintaining it at least one year is not an easy task. And if it wasn’t enough, you managed to create one cool project after the other. I really enjoy following NYCR and I especially like the speed soldering championships. All the best wishes, SkyTee

  2. Congratulations, guys! It’s great to see that this kind of community lives on!


  3. Good work folks!!!

  4. And now you need a new theme song.

    NYC Resistor… We **got** a LAZ-OR…

    Can’t wait to see what you’ve got brewed up by the Summer of 2010. How about an early b-day party for turning 3?

  5. Aw shucks! Thanks all!

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