I started out this post looking to write a non-Arduino story, but it just wasn’t meant to be. I’m a huge fan of computer generated music, dating back to my days of playing games and composing music on the Commodore 64. I still love that classic SID sound, and was floored to hear it in the new 50 Cent and Justin Timberlake tune, Technology:
(Thanks to Kelsey Ruger for pointing out the videogame sounds in the song and Alex Hillman identifying the SID, likely coming from something like the SIDStation)
I wrote my first music on a C64 with “The Music Shop”, and after hearing this song, I want to get started in SID hacking and make my own SID powered instruments.
Well, I’m sure I’ll have more posts on that coming in the future, but while researching tonight I found myself sidetracked by Toni Westbrook‘s awesome project to bring Guitar Hero to the C64 and the SID.
A closer look reveals that Toni’s programming the ATMega8 chip that he’s got the controller wired into with, what else, an Arduino! Even digging into C64 music projects, I still ended up with an Arduino post.
That’s just in genius! Great way to be creative and kudos to your technical skills in pulling this off.
BTW, check out our guitar hero blog for Guitar Hero tips and cheats and contribute to the underground community. http://www.guitarherounderground.com
I found myself sidetracked by Toni Westbrookâs awesome project to bring cheap electricguitars Hero to the C64 and the SID.