They have been encarcerated in the EVIDENCE ROOM for over three month now, they seemed to be lost forever but they survived all procedure: my breathing books. In June I had been detained by TSA, Police, FBI and CIA in Newark Airport on my way back to Germany for more than 4 hours. The reason for the official’s irritation was that I tried to carry a fully assembled electronical mechanism hidden in books. Given that that is not the smartest idea ever, it escalated over the top. I had been questioned, examined and interrogated, they ran a test on me and offered their result afterwards: “we think by now you must be a good person, ’cause now we know how often you change your underwear.” Humiliating!
Lost my flight, lost my project, couldn’t take part in an exhibition in G.
After most official attempts (governor’s letters etc.) failed to get my stuff back over the past months, I tracked down the Officer that had been in charge that day. Suddenly, when I finally managed to get hold of him, it seemed so easy: I was allowed to go and pick up my properties.
It involved a handover situation of semi-professional drugdealer level: At Terminal A of Newark Liberty International Airport I had to get into Mr. Napolitana’s allover white car (laquered from the outside and powdered from the inside, since on his way to our meeting point his fire extinguisher went off in his trunk!) After we agreed on business – I had to give a few signatures- I was handed a big black garbage bag – equally dusted- and he drove off into the bureaucratic void he came from.

Each of the books has now been refined with the Officer’s name and the very case number.

I am trying to make an exhibition happen soon -with all evidence material – and you are all invited, I keep you posted!