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We’re excited to announce that Code Liberation will be guest-hosting an intro class for women next Wednesday evening on programming button- and LED-based games. No programming experience? No problem. They’ll walk through setting up the hardware, connecting everything to your laptop, and coding a simple game to get you started.

Tickets here on eventbrite, more info below.

Are you interested in creating physical interfaces or games and not sure where to start? Come to this class and create a small playful experience using an arduino with phyical buttons and lights. Code Liberation members Phoenix Perry and Caroline Sinders will be teaching this special edition of Code Liberation at NYC Resistor.

No prior programming experience is necessary, but do bring your laptop.

A limited number of free, sponsored slots are available. Contact [email protected] for more information.

Code Liberation

Code Liberation teaches women to program video games for free. Code Liberation teaches Unity, Processing, Open Frameworks, Twine, Kinect, Arduino and other programming and game design programs. We are fostering a healthy developer community globally. Anyone identifying as a women is welcome.


Phoenix Perry builds embodied games and user experiences. Her current project, Night Games, is a sonic interactive puzzle installation in development. Presently, she lives half the year among the elves in The Netherlands as a Sr. Instructor at University of the Arts Utrecht teaching programming. As an occasional adjunct Professor at NYU, she teaches game development and design. From digital arts practitioner and educator to Creative Director, she has extensive experience in new media, design, and user interfaces. Her game studio, Dozen Eyes, focuses on socially motivated games and museum installations. A consummate advocate for women in game development and diversity, she also founded The Code Liberation Foundation, an organisation that has taught thousands of women game development. Her speaking engagements include GDC, The Open Hardware Summit at MIT, Indiecade, Comic Con, Internet Week, Create Tech and NYU Game Center among others. @phoenixperry

Caroline Sinders is a UX designer, photographer and video game designer from New Orleans. Caroline graduated from ITP in 2014 and divides her time between researching encryption and making projects to volunteering with Code Liberation. She currently resides in Brooklyn being equally amazed and terrified by winter. @carolinesinders

 Posted by at 1:14 pm

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