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Happy New Year NYC!

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Jan 032010

Happy New Year Blog Readers! We read your comments. I promise to try and blog more. If you want to see more than the occasional completed project… then so be it!

Here’s an image of Adam working on our beloved “Mr. Stabby” on New Years Eve day. The video above was taken later that evening in prospect park. We’re pretty partied out, and like you suffering the bitter cold. But, I know I am eager to get back into the swing of things and try to knock out a few resolutions early this year.

moustache'd death

And some video love:

I was also wearing my Makerbot Watch as a belt buckle with Mark Tabry‘s awesome New Years Eve code on it.

A shot of the belt buckle:

makerbot belt buckle

Some video of Mark’s Code via Charles Edward Pax:

As usual there’s a lot brewing at NYCR. Along with my fellow blog posters I’ll try to keep you guys more in the loop.

 Posted by at 11:27 pm

  3 Responses to “Happy New Year NYC!”

Comments (3)
  1. Uh, are you guys making fireworks, too?

  2. Nope. We actually put a heck of a lot of effort into making sure everything that happens at NYCR is safe, legal, and in no way a discomfort to others we share the space with. Working with incendiaries is currently prohibited. At least in NYC hobby work in rocketry and fireworks design is to say the least, very difficult to do legally. I am not in fact aware of any way in which one could pursue this hobby safely. I'd advise against doing anything in this arena without proper training, licensing, and the okay of everyone from your local police, and fire, to your neighbors and family.

    If you are interested in amateur rocketry there are several groups outside of the five boroughs that are worth checking out. Start at NAR, the National Association for Rocketry if you are interested.


  3. My attempt at humor went awry. Very sorry 'bout that. As you hinted, making those things could be dangerous. Every now & then you hear about accidents involving the making of fireworks…and those people involved tend to be professionals. And the nonprofessionals tend to get visited by those from the government, who are not there to help you… which i may ormay not know something about…

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