Maker’s Faire Rhode Island!

It's not from a scooner it's from a sail boat.
So, here’s some big news you’ve probably already heard about. Rhode Island, our friendly and gun loving neighbor to the north will be hosting a New England Maker Faire. Currently they are accepting calls for submissions. Obviously we’re not the only ones who are caught up in the fever of Awesome August.
Looks like the event is scheduled to occur across a wide expanse of days from Sept 6th through Sept 19th. However, it seems that it’s a composite grouping of a number of events. From what I can tell the event on Sept 19th is the culminating event, and where they will be showcasing most of the projects on display.
If you want O’Reilly to take Maker’s Faires in the North East seriously, we’re going to have to be out in force to support this one. So, take advantage of twitter outages and stop slacking. Submit a project to the Rhode Island guys, and show up to support all the other Maker’s out there.
Read more about how to do that here:
Good Luck RI!
Whats with the “gun loving” comment. I’m a Rhode Islander, I am a gun owner but, not sure I get the remark? Either way, I am psyched about the Maker Faire coming our way.
Oh well, RI is one of the only gun friendly states in new england. All the rest for the most part are very pro gun control. At least that’s been my experience.
I love guns. They are fun as hell.
I have been waiting for a Maker Faire in the NE for a long time!!!
I have been waiting for a Maker Faire in the NE for a long time!!!